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What is coin360?

COIN360 is a cryptocurrency and crypto exchange live data aggregator. Our goal is to deliver vital market data in a visually engaging manner. Whether you are a professional or novice trader, media outlet, or just crypto curious, COIN360 offers indispensable tools to stay updated on the slightest cryptocurrency market movements.

Why should you use a coin360 aggregator?

The coin360, cryptocurrency and crypto exchange live data collector or aggregator has indispensable features and tools for staying on top of even the slightest cryptocurrency market movement. Heat maps are ways to assess where liquidity exists in the market and how liquidity providers are behaving.

How do I list my Coin on coin360?

If you want your coin, token, or exchange to be listed on COIN360, please email us at [email protected] Note: LISTING ON COIN360 IS FREE. If somebody asks you to pay in order to be listed on our platform, please do not send any money and report it to us at [email protected] as quickly as possible.

What information is available on company360?

Company360 covers the top 50,000 public and private companies in Australia. The following information is available for listed companies: market data, ASX announcements, operations, key personnel, financials, shareholders, family tree, significant events, competitors, and professional services.

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